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36-year-old Mum Reveals How She Had An Orgasm While Giving Birth (Photo)


A woman, 36 has revealed she had orgasm during childbirth.
According to Hanna Faustino, she didn’t want to use any pain relief to give birth to her second child Kaiya, because she wanted to enjoy the 'pleasure' of childbirth.
The mum said during labour she focused on special breathing techniques, visualizing a ‘wave’ while squatting, which led to an unexpected outcome, an ‘orgasm’.
Hanna, an educational assistant, from Caistor Centre, Canada, says the labour was so enjoyable, she didn’t want it to stop.
Hanna, said: ‘During birth I surrendered my mind to my body, and I had similar sensations to an orgasm.

‘I found a rhythm of breathing and I was in a squat with my husband supporting me.

‘I forgot they were in the room as I was just able to focus on this natural extension and reached a really blissful state.

‘It was really natural to push, and the contractions didn’t feel as painful.

‘I had this fullness, and I didn’t want the feeling to stop.’

‘There was a lot of uncertainty with the birth of my first child, River, nine, so I didn’t achieve a blissful state,’ said Hanna.

‘It was a long labour and harder than a marathon and I’ve run many.

‘But it was beautiful work and something I’m proud of when I look back.’

For Hanna’s second birth she was able to focus on the rhythm to ‘climax’ – and visualised her baby coming closer to her on a wave to help her through the labour.
She had her husband, Will, 41, a postman, holding her from behind while she laboured in a squat position.
‘I was in a squat in my bedroom and the lights were dim,’ she said.

‘With all my babies I’ve worked on a visualisation with each contraction that they are a wave bringing my baby closer to me.

‘I didn’t use any pain relief with any of my births.

‘Reaching that state was beautiful and I didn’t want it to end.’
For the arrival of her third baby, Terran, now four, Hanna used the same techniques, but a different position; lying on her side with one leg up.

‘It was almost like a peeing dog,’ she said.
‘I embraced the sensations of the birth.

‘It wasn’t quite as blissful as with Kaiya but still beautiful.’

‘If you allow birthing hormones to work for you then a woman can come into a state of bliss or labour land,’ she said.
‘The pain is then not so intense because the endorphins are flowing and there is then no fear.

‘It’s said they are 10 times stronger than morphine if you can that working for you.

‘I’ve seen it work for women and it was amazing, but it might look different for everybody.

‘My goal is to make sure woman are happy with their birth experience in postpartum, no matter the journey.’

‘A birth always has surprises,’ Hanna added.
‘But by working on breathing and trust you can achieve a wonderful birth outlook.’

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