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Water Revolution: Igbo-Etiti LGA Records Highest Number of Modern Drilled, Equipped and Resuscitated Boreholes in Two Years


•With 14 Projects Initiated across Rural Communities of the LGA

•Nine is already Completed.

•And Six Nearing Completion.

According to facts-checks by, Igboetiti LGA of Enugu state, under the stewardship of Hon. Ikenna Nwodo, has been named as having the highest number of modern drilled and equipped boreholes in the past two years in Enugu state.

Findings by the Media group, indicated that the rural council under the watchful eyes of Hon. Ikenna Nwodo, as at 15th of October, 2023, has in collaboration with UNICEF & Enugu State Ministry of Water Resources completed nine (9) boreholes (five (5) already commissioned), with seven more nearing completion across different villages of the LGA; thereby, bringing the total number of borehole projects in the area to 14 with more anticipated in the remaining 6 wards of the LGA.

The projects include those basically initiated from scratch by the young council boss, as well as those which were moribund for many years, but have been resuscitated and rehabilitated with modern and globally certified tools and equipment. 

At Ugwuinyinya, Uwelle Amokofia Ukehe for example, the council Chairman, drilled a new 8.5 Inches 600 feet Borehole, installed new UPVC pipes, installed a new 7.5 HP submersible pump, complete with new control panels. He also carried out maintenance of the overhead tank and stanchions, refurbished the generator, reconstructed the fetching points as well as fenced the entire perimeter of the facility with concomitant security gates.

Also at Umuokwo Idoha, the council boss has carried out the following; drilling of a new 8.5 Inches, 750 feet Borehole, installation of new UPVC pipes and riser pipes, installation of new 7.5 HP submersible pump, installation of new control panel, maintenance of overhead tank and stanchions, refurbishment of the generator and generator house, reconstruction of fetching points and is currently completing the construction of the perimeter fencing and security gates 

At Amaedem-Ikolo for instance, the administration has redeveloped the borehole and replaced the erstwhile submersible pump, installed new control  panels, constructed a new well head, refurbished the overhead tank and stanchions, refurbished the generator, rehabilitated the water fetching points and perimeter fenced the facility.

At Amauwani Nkporogwu Ukehe, the chairman in collaboration with UNICEF has completed a complete rehabilitation of the facility. Works include; Borehole redevelopment, replacement of submersible pump, installation of new UPVC pipes, installation of new control panels, construction of well head, maintenance of overhead tank and stanchions, purchase and replacement 30 KVA generator, rehabilitation of fetching points, etc,

Other facilities completed include; Ogbede Health Centre water works (commissioned), Oshigo water works Aku (commissioned) & Umunko central water facility (awaiting commissioning).

Other ongoing borehole projects in the area council include those at Ozarra Uwellu Water Works (in partnership with UNICEF), Umuofiagu Ukehe waterworks (in partnership with UNICEF), Mgboko Aku Water works, Amufie Ohodo Water Works, Ochimma Water Works and Diogbe 2 Water Works (in partnership with UNICEF).

In addition, the LG helmsman is also billed to inaugurate duly trained facility management committees for every water facility for the effective management of the same.

Congratulations to Igboetiti LGA!

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