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YAN Congratulates Gov. Mbah on Court Victory, Knocks NYSC


A youth group, popularly known as Youth Assembly of Nigeria, YAN, Enugu state chapter, has congratulated the governor of Enugu state, Dr. Peter Mbah over his recent court victory.

A High Court in Abuja, had on Monday, awarded N5 million damages against the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)  for alleging that the corps’ discharged certificate held by Gov. Peter Mbah of Enugu State was fake.

The Court held that the certificate presented to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) by Mbah was authentic.

Reacting to the judgement, the Speaker of the youth group, Engr. Anthony Ubagu commended the governor on his vindication, while taking a swipe at the NYSC for becoming an agent of the opposition.

His words: "This is Victory for all of us in the Assembly. The governor has truly shown and demonstrated his credibility and honesty.

"We can only commend him.

"Then on the part of NYSC, all I want to tell them is to steer clear from politics and face their core responsibility. 

"How can a DG make such demeaning statement of disclaiming a certificate his agency had issues, even when the court had barred him from doing so? 

"It is highly regrettable. I only want to tell the agency to desist from becoming a tool in the hand of the opposition," he said. 

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