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Communique from the 1st National Council on Sports, Held in Enugu

In the past three days, Enugu was agog as the 1st National Council on Sports Development conference was held at the Old government lodge, in the state metropolis. 

The event which attracted the rank and file in the sports industry, had a wide deliberation on the team:  "Sports for National Unity and Socio-Economic Growth"

The council deliberated on various issues pivotal to the advancement of sports in Nigeria and reached the following resolutions:

1. Strategic Alignment:

   - The Council Encouraged states to align their strategic plans with the Federal Ministry's initiatives for cohesive sports development.

2. Infrastructure and Logistics:

   - The Highlighted the importance of comprehensive infrastructure and logistical planning for successful sports events.

3. Marketing and Promotion:

   - They  Emphasized strategies to boost sports participation and viewership.

4. Funding and Incentives:

   - They Supported the establishment of Sports Development and Investment Funds to drive grassroots sports and sustain sports programs.

5. National and International Competitions:

   - They Urged governments to bid for and host major sports events to accelerate sports growth.

6. Fee Adjustments:

   - They Approved an increase in participation fees for national sports events due to economic realities.

7. Inclusivity and Diversity:

   - They Promoted gender equity in sports leadership and included diverse sports in national competitions.

8. Health and Fitness:

   - They Proposed the establishment of a National Sports and Fitness Day to highlight the health benefits of physical activity.

9. Anti-Doping:

    - They Emphasized the importance of developing anti-doping structures and capacities.

10. Local Production and Cultural Representation:

    - The Council Advocated for locally produced sports jerseys celebrating Nigeria's cultural diversity.

11. Education and Certification:

    - The Council Encouraged certification for coaches and sports administrators and proposed the upgrade of the National Institute for Sports to a sports university.

12. Infrastructure Development:

    - They Supported the establishment of a National Sports Infrastructure Development Commission to address infrastructure needs.

These resolutions However, set a strong foundation for the future of sports in Nigeria, emphasizing unity, socio-economic growth, and youth empowerment.

In his address, the honorable Commissioner for Youths and sports, Barr. Lloyd Ekweremadu, thanked President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, ably represented by the Minister for Special Duties, as well as the Executive Governor of Enugu State, Dr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, for his visionary and inclusive leadership.

The commissioner also appreciated Senator John Owan Enoh, Minister of the Federal Ministry of Sports Development; Mrs. Tinuke Watti, Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Sports Development and all the State Commissioners and delegates, the press, and all other esteemed attendees.

"Together, let's continue to build a stronger, healthier, and more prosperous Nigeria through the power of sports", Barr. Lloyd concluded.

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