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Gov. Mbah And The Walking Of His Talks

By Samson Ezea 

From the inauguration, Enugu State Governor, Barr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah didn't mince words over his mission, vision, and goal in Enugu State.  He was not pretentious or ignorant of the challenges ahead. He came prepared and focused. He was not new to the system. He was a pioneer and key player in the system more than two decades ago. He didn't play to the gallery or build a castle in the air. 

   He didn't massage anyone's ego and was not ready to do so. He meant business when he repeatedly and emphatically said that his government would be anchored on the mantra of disruptive innovations and business unusual.

    Not many understood or believed him. Some were dismissive of him, saying that it is a mere political rhetoric. The reality is that looking back at his administration’s journey so far, Governor Mbah is walking his talks in all fronts, sectors, and ramifications.

   His disruptive innovations and business unusual approach to governance and its concomitant and unprecedented gains and results are resonating across the state and beyond like wildfire.

  The lasting impact of his administration is glaring, developmental, and staring. Testimonies, commendations, accolades, and encomiums abound. What a workaholic, transformative, innovative, and performing Governor.

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